New Proyect
Chile, which is located on the other side of the Andes Mountains, towards the Pacific Ocean, has developed a strong and constant regular Masonry in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. Most of the Lodges belonging to the Grand Lodge of Chile are of this ritualistic affiliation and only three of them are currently working in the Rite of Emulation.
A group of brothers have seen in this District the possibility of Masonic growth in the integral development of the so-called regular «English Masonry». Since the year 2007 and 2009 some Chilean Master Masons have joined to work with mallet and chisel with us, increasing their participation from the year 2017 onwards; counting to date with a sufficient number of brothers to project in that neighboring Republic a viable project so that within a year approximately, we can raise, install and consecrate a Lodge of Master Masons of the Mark, in the Castilian language.
This project is being worked on with great enthusiasm in this particular District and with the Masonic support of the Grand Lodge of Master Masons of the Mark of England, Wales and its Districts and Lodges Overseas, because in the Southern Cone of America on the Pacific Ocean side and to date, we do not have a Lodge of Master Masons of the Mark.
Let us remember that «The degree of Master Mason of the Mark is open to all Master Masons belonging to regular Constitutions», that is to say, to all Grand Lodges and Masonic Powers recognized by the United Grand Lodge of England in its regularity, and is a degree that reinforces the initiatory path that each brother has traced in his life.
For this project we count on the bonds of permanent Masonic friendship, between the District Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England, this District Grand Master of the Mark and the most esteemed Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Chile.
Marking Well!